Find the facts about voting in your state at Vote411.org.
Have you downloaded the Fulton Votes app yet? This a free tool that will connect you with the latest information about Fulton County elections, including info about absentee ballots, early voting, key dates and deadlines, and links to the Secretary of State’s My Voter Page.
Before an election, find your polling place.
How Do I Get an Absentee Ballot?
If you choose to vote in person on the day of the election, you must vote at your assigned precinct. You can find your precinct at My Voter Page.
When voting in person, make sure to bring an accepted form of identification. For more information, check this list of acceptable IDs
For additional information about voter registration and elections in Fulton County, visit Fulton County Department of Registration and Elections.
Early Voting Information
We encourage voting early for anyone that could face an issue at the polls (first-time voters, citizenship, etc). Early voting allows time for individuals to clear up any reasons that may cause you to vote provisionally (on paper) on election day.
Early voting for the November 5, 2024, general election is scheduled from October 15, 2024, through November 1, 2024. Early voting locations for this election are listed at the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections website.
We make voting easier through varied voter education programs.
The League of Women Voters Education Fund conducts voter service and citizen education activities. It is a nonpartisan nonprofit public policy educational organization, which:
Builds citizen participation in the democratic process.
Studies key community issues at all government levels in an unbiased manner.
Enables people to seek positive solutions to public policy issues through education and conflict management.
Donations to the Education Fund, a 501(c)(3)corporation, are fully tax-deductible where allowed by law.